Procedure for buying a generator Buy once, use for a long time

“Generator” is one of the important devices in generating electricity. for use in areas where electricity is not accessible or consumes a lot of electricity Until it’s not enough to meet the demand. to being used as a backup power source in the event of a main power outage or problem But how do we know that We want to choose the size of the generator and which type will be suitable. Today we will take everyone to try to calculate.

Method for calculating power when choosing to buy a generator

The first step we must take is Must know that we bought it for what purpose, such as being the main power supply. because it is in an area where electricity is not accessible Used as a backup light in the house Use it for events or field work that requires extra electricity, go camping, and connect to separate appliances. in order to calculate Choose the right size and type of generator. The important steps are as follows: